Mediation conditions for renting a home through Starteasy bv
Registration does not guarantee finding a home. Starteasy relies on current offers from landlords.
Starteasy: Starteasy Bosmalaan 3, 2211 HS in Noordwijkerhout.
Client: Any natural or legal person who has commissioned Starteasy mediating in renting one or more homes.
Rental amount: The monthly amount to be paid to the landlord, including payments for upholstery and / or furniture and / or service costs and / or other parts that make up the total rental price.
Article 1: The agreement.
1.1 The agreement is concluded by signing the truthfully filled out Starteasy registration form or sending a truthfully filled out online registration form at
1.2 The client is asked to provide a valid proof of identity and recent income data to submit a Rental Agreement. All documentation provided by the client remain in the archive of Starteasy and will not be provided to third parties. Starteasy reserves the right to destroy information provided by the client.
1.3 All offers from Starteasy in writing, by email, online and orally are without any obligation. Clients cannot derive any rights from this.
Article 2: Registration.
2.1 If the client performs an online registration at, no registration fee is owed.
Article 3: The activities.
3.1 The activities of Starteasy, mediating in the rental of suitable housing or business premises, commence upon recieving a fully completed, truthfully filled out registration form.
3.2 The further activities to be performed by Starteasy consist of advising and accompanying the viewing, offering potentially suitable objects, the negotiation, handling the mediation and delivery of the by the client rented object. In many cases Starteasy will draw up the lease, this is part of it however, not among Starteasy's obligations.
Article 4: The payments.
4.1 Client cannot use the object, successfully mediated by Starteasy, until after the first rent payment and the deposit have been paid to Starteasy. Upon acceptance of an object offered by Starteasy, the client must submit an acceptance form and / or sign a lease.
4.2 Invoices from Starteasy where the payment term has been exceeded will be handled by Juresta in Apeldoorn, whom Starteasy is affiliated with. All additional costs, judicial costs and / or extrajudicial costs will be paid by the client.
Article 5: Liability.
5.1 Starteasy is not liable for the way in which a landlord fulfills his obligations and / or conducts as a landlord. The client always answers directly to the landlord, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
5.2 All contact created between Starteasy and the client are governed by Dutch law application.