If you are looking to invest, we can help you by searching for a possible investment within your financial parameters, risk factors etc. We frequently have aparments of houses for sale. We can manage some development projects for you. You can also work with us to split houses into apartments or generate more housing units within a location. We can also manage the renovation of your (potential) assets, which can upscale the value of it. 

One of our many services is the calculation of potential investments. We can set up an extensive calculation sheet to determine the yield of an existing or new project. 

Aside from doing the calculation, we can also give you advice and help you come to a conclusion. 

We will discuss our compensation and tariffs with you beforehand. These are fully dependant on the project. Would you like to know more about an investment or potential investment be sure to give us a call or send an email to info@starteasy.nl. One of our advisers will contact you. 

Need help with renting a home?

Franka will gladly help you further and map your wishes.
Call: 06 12105194
or send us one e-mail